Turkey rearing 2.0 – Anti-pick light. Your solution for turkey rearing

ALTUMA AzuLux & RubiLux (W2B & W2R)

The project

Project partner Pundsack
Installation April 2019
Used product ALTUMA AzuLux & RubiLux (W2B & W2R)

The result

Mixed equipping with our white 2 blue and white 2 red variants combines the advantages of both technologies and provides you with completely new possibilities.

Blue wavelengths are used for calming, whilst red wavelengths prevent feather pecking. Especially during development of the snood, experience has shown it advantageous to use a specific mixture of wavelengths. The result is astounding: a quiet herd and significantly increased yield rates due to inhibited feather pecking and less loss.

  • Reduced stress level
  • Lower mortality rate
  • Simplified moving in and singling out
  • Anti-picking
  • Reduced operating overheads
  • Significantly reduced quantity of luminaires

Application details

Application Turkey
Stable size 130m x 15,2m x 5m
Product ALTUMA AzuLux & RubiLux (W2B & W2R)
Number of luminaires 16 pieces
Light scene dynamic



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