The pacelum brand, founded by the TRILUX Group in 2018, represents expertise in the field of biological effects via light formulations.
The combination of many years of research and development in the field of spectral lighting and the success story of TRILUX GmbH as a leading lighting manufacturer in Europe spanning more than 100 years makes pacelum your partner for customer-oriented lighting solutions in the agricultural and horticultural market.
pacelum supplies innovations to increase productivity and at the same time promotes animal and plant welfare through exposure to light that is tailored to the application.
The robustness of our products is a further guarantee of your success. Designed for extreme conditions, they defy all external factors of influence and therefore provide you with a high degree of planning security.
The production and supply of our products is exclusively from the high quality production facilities of Zalux S.A. in Spain, which also form part of the TRILUX Group.
Simply contact us now and let us "grow" together, true to our motto: pacelum - The best light for growing business!